Flexible Workspaces Will Be The Future For Companies.

Work and workspace never remain the same. The way people work has changed drastically over the past two decades, and to comply with that, the office spaces have also seen certain changes in work ethic and attitude. The traditional office used to be a building where people had to be physically present and work from 9 to 5. The company or organization sometimes allowed people to work from home on some occasions, but it was not up to the employee's choice.
Soon after, when people became aware of the advantages of having a flexible workspace, the black n' white choices of office-centered and remote working began to shift. Many factors, such as the huge technological advancements, wellness, and employee satisfaction can affect productivity, and a flexible workspace can highly modulate that.
Finally, the covid-19 pandemic somewhat radically exposed the shortcomings of the remaining Furnished office space in Bangalore and the need to improvise on that. Since then, the world has seen a paradigm shift in what we generally call 'office.' The global lockdown and 'work-from-home have fundamentally changed millions of employees' attitudes to their work. This is where a flexible workspace model becomes essential to impact markets and human lives in a good way.
Are flexible workplaces really the future in industries?
What sets humans apart is their ability to change and improvise, and we have done it many times to survive and make our mark. The global pandemic has exposed the already-failing model of traditional office spaces and challenged us to improvise for good. Although people were forced to work from home; they used to think working from home was a better alternative, and are now realizing the importance of the office space. It also plays a great role in forming a better relationship with work and co-workers. In a way, the pandemic has created an opportunity to find a better alternative than working regular hours in an office and working from home.
The employees working from home soon started to feel the irregularity of work hours persuaded by corporations. While some complained about the extra hours, most of them agreed to work at their convenient hours to improve their efficiency.
Many experts already saw that the office culture needed to change long before the pandemic hit. There is also a financial angle in this. Most corporations and companies lease buildings to set up office spaces, which lost importance drastically after the pandemic. As more people started work from home, the leased office spaces posed a financial burden; thedy simply did not need that much space.
The flexible workspace model changes the situation by giving more freedom not just to the employees but also to the company. In the model, the companies don't need to tie themselves in a fixed lease and only pay for the commercial office space for rent in Bangalore they occupy. This results in more flexibility along with the changes in the market. They can use the office space a lot more efficiently and subtract the headcount according to convenience to save up costs. In that sense, they don't have to pay for the entire facility if they are short of employees or most of them working from home.
The model also advocates for a shorter lease period. Rather than leasing an office space for two-three years, they are free to pay monthly, depending on what they need now. The policy is very effective in helping a company tread through tough times. For example, an office has a workforce of 50 people, and their target is to double it in four months. In that case, leasing a space for a hundred people may not make much sense, as there's also a chance for the current workforce to shrink. A flexible workspace enables the company to pay for the current number of employees, and as the number gradually climbs, they set up more space and pay according to that. On another note, flexible workspaces allow more freedom, which directly links with wellbeing and productivity. Furthermore, as the social bond becomes stronger, employees feel more confident individually and become better team players.
Is it the right time to move into a flexible workspace?
Apart from all the advantages that a flexible workspace provides over a traditional office, there have been many studies linking this topic. The studies have come up with key findings that strongly advise towards shifting to a flexible space and work culture. They also highlight that the pandemic and post-pandemic era is the right time to make that change happen.
First of all, the work ethic has seen a massive jump over the years, exclusively during the pandemic. More people have adapted to the new normal and started working in home shifts. This has marked a permanent shift in work habits for the employees. they are more likely to stick to the current routine rather than going back to their previous lifestyles.
Secondly, going back to the previous system may not guarantee any financial security for the company. Many corporations have faced a downhill productivity curve and diminishing market share and they don’t want more financial risks towards a somewhat unpredictable future.
Adapting to a flexible office space for rent in Bangalore takes care of both, so the employer and employees can reconcile and work in harmony.
What is the current scenario of flexible office spaces in India?
With the rising demand and acceptance of the trend, few flexible office-space providers have risen in the Indian market. For example, IndiQube has focused on the real estate industry and provided office space solutions since its start in 2015, five years before the pandemic.
Since then, they have taken an ‘enterprise first’ approach and expanded their reach in six cities across India, having 50 plus properties and providing 70,000 plus seats. With their unique ‘office-in-a-box’ solution and plenty of B2B and B2C services, they’re currently catering to more than 450 clients.
Concerning the change in how we see office spaces today, start-ups like IndiQube are working to bring the change in more sectors in the overall market. Adapting to the new normal will shape the office space and form new dimensions in the overall employer-employee relationship.