1st Church Road, Camp, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Co Working Office Space for rent in Nucleus Camp Pune is available with 7500 Sq Ft having 90 seats 2 cabins and 2 conference rooms. This office offers a complete corporate experience with IT infrastructure, security, fast wi-fi, and more. Whether you are starting a new business or just need an office to work. Elegantly built, this office design is perfect for any professional set up. It offers a sophisticated and contemporary look and feel, coupled with complete privacy and fresh air. You enjoy a productive workplace that is fully wired with all the latest communication tools and security systems needed to do business at the highest level.
Location: Pune
Sub Location: -
Property Area: 7500 Sq Ft
Seating Capacity: 90
Monday - Friday: 12 Hours
Saturday: 8 Hours
Sunday: -
Property Type: To Rent
Property Status: Available
Property Price: Contact us for Prices